tracfone problems

Started by johnson55, December 07, 2018, 05:08:07 AM

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What to do when trac fone dials and don't work. In coming calls don't work and I have 109 minutes left and it's all charged up.It was working and started acting this way.It's a pretty new phone and hasn't been used much. I dial my own land phone and it won't ring in there either.


Assuming it is not in Airplane mode, take it to your local Tracfone store and have them verify your account and service is properly setup. It could be on their side, or a simple setting in your phone. Or your phone is bad. If "pretty new", it might still be under warranty.
Bill (AFE7Ret)
Freedom is NOT Free!
2007 - 2018


Also check its not down on there side ..

Also check its not relatwd to this ...

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